How It Works

  • Same or Next Day Delivery

    ·      Delivery for North County San Diego within 10 miles of our facility in San Marcos.

    ·      Same Day delivery for orders placed before 10am. Orders placed after 10am will be for Next Day delivery.

    ·      Available for your office or direct to your patient.

    ·      Limited-time $5 delivery fee

  • Drop-Shipping

    ·      USPS Priority Shipping

    ·      Available for your office or direct to your patient.

    ·      Orders fulfilled within 36 hours.

  • Custom Formulations

    ·      Don’t see a formula you need in our Store? Email letting us know what you are looking for and we will respond within 24 hours.

    ·      Formulated according to your specifications to meet your patients’ needs.